The main problem targeted by the “Nature means equality” project is related to insufficient inclusion of young people and children with developmental disabilities in activities in the nature of Tara National Park.
The scattered territory of the municipality of Bajina Bašta with an area of 673 km2, a little less than a third of which is within the boundaries of the Tara National Park, makes it difficult for young people and children with developmental disabilities to stay in the nature of the protected area, even though it is within their reach. What this project would enable is the formation of an educational corner in nature and the organization of a series of activities that would bring young people and children with developmental disabilities to the nature of the protected area, where through workshops, camps and other activities, they would be able to learn useful information about being in nature, connecting with nature, but also about the protected area that surrounds them.
The project would focus on education and being in nature through hands-on learning in the field with the help of experts from NP Tara and organizations that deal with young people and children with disabilities, but also recording an educational video about being in nature adapted to young people and children with disabilities in development.